Invisible Design at Kulte

Brand launched in 1998 in Marseille by a group of graphic art, music and fashion enthusiasts, inspired by the fifties and sixties, KULTE offers retro chic pieces offbeat enough to breathe the spirit of the times, publishes its own magazine , KULTORAMA, produces CD compilations, KULTE Music, produces the video clips that accompany the release of its collections, is involved in the most diverse projects, makes full use of social networks and web 2.0 tools. to promote INVISIBLE DESIGN.
KULTE welcomes us near Pavilion M, in their new “Rive Droite” space and gives INVISIBLE DESIGN carte blanche: installation/exhibition of winning projects upstairs, selection/creation/sale of design objects, small formats Made in Marseille , co-production of INVISIBLE DESIGN customized cotton T-shirts, numbered series which will extend this Marseille month in the eleven KULTE stores in France.
Scenography designed and produced by EM Design, Edouard Vincent and Manon Legros.
Invisible Design at Kulte
Launch Saturday July 13 at 7 p.m.
Summer aperitif show by Jameson.
Kulte Rive Droite
8, rue de la Loge
13002 Marseille