Coconut Music Makes Its Festival

Coconut Music Festival
From the first edition of its festival, Coconut Music pulled out all the stops. An enticing program and free entertainment on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
♫ FRIDAY 09/27 from 6:00 p.m. ♫
-Kid Canaveral
- Caandides
-The Black Angels
- Fiber Bravo
+ surprise DJ sets
✌ SATURDAY 09/28 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. FREE ☯
- Conference and round table on African music
- Games for children
- Ladybird concert for young and old with a Saintais children's choir and Moroccan musicians and dancers.
♫ SATURDAY 28/09 from 6 p.m. ♫
- Pendant
-The Pictish Trail
- Brigitte Fontaine
- little ghost
-The Vasco
+ surprise DJ sets
✌ SUNDAY 09/29 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. FREE ☯
- Show “Le Goret, his life, my work”
- Picnic
- Introduction to folk dances
- Folk Ball with Duo Thébaut and Garoull
☺ INFO ☺
Private: Abbaye aux Dames - Socover - Kulte - Holy Soakers - Lopez - Blanchard Music - La Musardière
Media: MAGIC - Tsugi - Le Mouv - InrocksLab - Hartzine - I HEART Magazine - Hors d'Œuvres