Kulte developed Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm syndrome describes the emotions developed over time by a hostage for her captor. Worrying phenomenon, Marseille could very well be the first victim of a duo of Swedes ready to wreak havoc! Explanations…
When Louise arrived in Marseille 8 years ago to learn French after studying fashion, she did not imagine meeting Rosina a few months later, also a Swedish expatriate and studying at the IICC Mode Marseille. The two young friends then wandered through many evenings in Marseille, dressed in their first handmade creations. The Syndrome begins to strike, and “StockholmSyndrome” ends up being launched in 2012!
Because the Swedish style seduces, Matt Gamet at the top of the list. The director of Kulte and president of the MMMM then carefully follows the journey of Rosina and Louise. A journey that includes the recent opening of a friendly boutique/showroom a stone's throw (and not one more) from Boulevard d'Endoume and Homenibus. A first window – on the ground floor of the workshop / local manufacturing – for colorful and retro creations, which is reminiscent of the codes of Scandinavian furniture which is very trendy today. “Above all, we create what we want to wear,” explains Louise, “this showroom is a friendly place where we can discover our creations over an aperitif, for example.”
For its 5th collection, StockholmSyndrome offers a wide range of models. A collection available from this Wednesday, November 12 on the first floor of the Kulte boutique on rue Francis Davso, alongside the Violet brand. An invitation from Monsieur Gamet which delights Louise, imagining a Marseille couple “where the man is in Kulte, the woman in StockholmSyndrome”.
And if the Marseille women are the first victims, the turn of the men and children could very quickly arrive. Mistrust ;)
(text credit: ohmarcel.com )