In Le Kultorama today, make way for a beautiful story full of positive vibes and hope, a significant inspiration from our Forever Young collection. This time, it is the city of Acapulco which is at the center of our attention, located on the Mexican Pacific coast, there you will find heavenly maritime landscapes, surf culture, and an aesthetic inseparable from Hollywood of the 50's, it That’s all it took to make us dream…

The seaside resort of Acapulco, located in the state of Guerrero, is a well-known spot for the best surfers on the planet. In fact, every year the Acapulco Surf Open takes place there, an international competition, and therefore an important spotlight for this territory, known throughout the world for different reasons...

Acapulco, for more than a millennium, has represented a crossroads for travelers, which is an essential element for understanding its more contemporary history. From the 1950s this small town was the favored destination of many tourists but also of celebrities of the moment, such as the Kennedy family, the great John Wayne or even Elizabeth Taylor and her producer husband Mike Todd.

An imagery at the height of glamor that we also owe to the cinema of the time, which highlighted this bay to make it the central element of a story, notably in the film “Fun in Acapulco” with Elvis.

Or else, it was used for its landscapes but not mentioned in the Orson Welles film “The Lady from Shanghai”, and later in “Rambo II”, or the James Bond “License to Kill”

In addition, the arrival in the 1960s of surfers from the United States, called "gringos" by the locals, brought with them everything that this Surf culture understands, namely its share of spirituality, a certain hygiene of life, up to meditation and yoga.

A surf culture that turned out to be completely integrated and then digested by the Mexicans so that today we can talk about an Acapulco surf culture: Mexican surfing and its lifestyle.
Thus, Acapulco Bay enjoyed real popularity until the mid-1980s, due to the names that visited there, but above all thanks to an exceptional setting.

However, since the mid-2000s this corner of paradise has rhymed with drug trafficking and score-settling between rival gangs and violent cartels, made up mainly of adolescents and young adults eager for guidance and a better tomorrow.
Every year thousands of people are murdered in the Acapulco region, making it one of the most dangerous places in the country and even the world.

Despite the lack of means of the precursors of the discipline in Mexico, who surfed on trunks or inner tubes, almost 60 years after its importation, surf culture plays an immense role in the emancipation of the youth of Acapulco towards delinquency, an escape from drugs and violence, not to mention corruption, by offering them a real opening to the world.

Pushed by insiders, whether expatriates or locals, surfing is a dream for these young people, who are moving away from the ease of giving in to cartels, by creating activity around this sport.
In Acapulco, surf schools, surf shops, sporting events, but also activities linked to well-being such as yoga or meditation are flourishing, creating a virtuous circle in which talents are revealed and can have the opportunity to be financed in their sports-related trips by local traders.

Currently, surfing in Acapulco is still booming, the numerous surfing associations have hundreds of members, and the Open Surfing organized by the very official World Surf League is a real springboard.

As you will have understood, this city will have been a very strong reference at the origin of a design from our Forever Young collection: ACAPULCO