Little recipes with friends…

At the start of the 2011 school year, chef Abdel Alaoui, artist Arnaud Pagès and the Kulte brand are joining forces to launch a new innovative concept that mixes cuisine, fashion and art: Les 4 Saisons.

4 times a year and for each season, they will create a t-shirt that mixes a cooking recipe concocted by Abdel, with an illustration created by Arnaud, all smoothly mixed on a Kulte t-shirt.

Innovative and in tune with the times, Les 4 Saisons combines art with food, graphics with fooding, pleasure for the eyes with pleasures for the mouth.

More than just a t-shirt, Les 4 Saisons is at the same time a cooking recipe, a work of art and a piece of clothing!

Available in all Kulte Stores and exclusively at Colette

4 seasons
