Kulte Sound System 05 Sexy Claus by girls and boys

In 2008, Lucas Nedellec began to compose in his bedroom. A perpetual search for new sounds, new images, which nourish his creation, the young Toulouse resident considers his music as an invitation to travel “which can be listened to while watching the landscape pass by”. He is currently working on a 2nd EP for 2012 and a stage performance.

Kulte Sound System 05 Sexy Claus

tracklist: Real Estate - It's Real The Xx - You've Got the Love (Theophilus London Remix) Ceo - Come With Me La Femme - La Femme Ressort Raleigh Moncrief - Lament For Morning Blood Diamonds - Move The Stars Les Filles Et Les Garçons - Uh Uh Uh Foster The People - Hustling (Life on the Nickel) Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Dream On Destin - Adelaide Still Corners - Into The Trees Washed Out - New Theory (RAC Mix)

the girls and the boys

