More than two years after 'No Head', 'As I Ride With No Horse', Battant's 2nd album is not the record of immobile maturity: Battant has grown up, but DIY is still that of “kids with special needs”. Faced with intimate and home-made writing, the question between rock and electronics does not arise. Nor that of knowing what links a supposedly rock group, supposedly electronic producers (It's A Fine Line – Ivan Smagghe and Tim Paris) and a label which, for ten years, has enjoyed blurring the boundaries between genres. A stubborn and firm record, clean and incisive production, on a fighting label. The only thing that matters is the strong feeling the music gives.

Kill the DJ / Drummer

Already available at Colette:
PLEASE NOTE: the first 10 buyers of this record will be offered a Kill The Dj x Kulte T-Shirt