The Future Crayon by Camille Lavaud

Born in 1981, Camille Lavaud lives and works sometimes in a sewing workshop located in a medieval village in her native land (in the Dordogne), sometimes in some home in Bordeaux or Brussels. Accustomed to fanzines and group exhibitions, it was as co-pilot of her grandfather's bookmobile that she began her practice as an illustrator. Paper and pen. Black and white. Illustration for the sake of economy of means and accessibility, but not only that.

Assemblies, collage or sewing, the graphic practice being legitimately the subject of an artisanal variation for her... She draws a threatening and derisory world inhabited by characters or messages most often disillusioned, in relation to consumerism.

This season she has created an exclusive SEED series of 3 t-shirts for Kulte, available in all our stores.

Come and discover his work and the fruit of our collaboration with the artist over a drink on Friday July 13 during the opening in our Bordeaux boutique.

...and as we never come for nothing, we continue on the I-BOAT with Julio Bashmore !!!!

Thanks to:

Camille Lavaud