The creative always in a good place!

Anatole or the creative always in a good place!

The appointment is now made and we have decided to introduce you to its partners and friends each month by going to meet them for interviews on the sly, not to say in the wild!

Anatole Royer , we've known him since he was very young and yet we have this feeling that he doesn't age! In 2011, this hyper creative imagined with two associates "Le Tournedisque" "a "brothel for beats" as they themselves speak of it, it is "a happy independent brothel, made at home for your pleasure" a site which shares everyday sounds... Then in 2014, a visual design agency "Studio Parade" which set itself the objective in 2015 with the brand "Pavane" of creating the best sweatshirt possible.

The sweet Alabama Duel listened to him!

Anatole, you make us dance with the Tournedisque , you dress us with Pavane , you beautify our lives with Parade Studio ... How do you manage this frenetic pace of creation?

Mineral water and aquabike.
Afterwards, we're not going to lie to each other, I'm not a model of management...

Do you have a ritual in the morning to attack like a lion in the savannah?

In the morning, I'm even more stupid than the rest of the time, you really shouldn't talk to me...
I'm a real maniac, every day starts the same: a brioche at the bakery, a coffee at Smiley and a cigarette in front of the studio.

The place where you like to take refuge, like your den?

Generally speaking, you need fir trees, lakes, wine and friends.
No specific locations, even if my brother Charlot's house is unmissable.

If you had to go on a bivouac, what “superficial” thing would you need?

Headphones for listening to music, but there's nothing superficial about it!

The perfect garment in all circumstances? (You don't have the right to say a Pavane sweatshirt)

Hairs ?

How do you fit your friends, your loves, your troubles into all this mess?! (I grant you that with Maison Close it was easy)!

Ahah! Well seen !
I have a golden family and great friends. They follow the projects and are the first to lend a helping hand.
I don't know what it looks like from the outside, but apart from Parade which is really a serious project, the others are done with friends and the meetings are most of the time around a beer on a sofa.

Thank you Anatole and see you soon for a new Hefner idea! (yes we caught you)

No, I promise, the next project is not about brothels, but still about beats: it's called Prose, it's a web radio with quality music 24/7, and very interesting live broadcasts every weeks. The official launch is in a few days on