The well licked bear

The Kulte brand has decided to introduce you to its partners and friends by going to meet them for interviews on the sly, not to mention in the wild! The sweet Alabama Duel took on the case of the comedian, author, actor, editor...what else!!? Mathieu Madénian!

Mathieu Madénian, the well-licked bear!

It's noon, the weather is nice, normal I live in Marseille, I receive a text:

“oh Alabama!” Itw by Mathieu Madénian! Would you like to ? »

And there is total anguish! Interviewing DJs, entrepreneurs, creative people, in music, fashion... But a comedian when you try to be a little funny yourself, it's like showing that you're a sex beast to a pornstar...

Mathieu, you often wear t-shirts from the Kulte brand, whose basic line is: The T-shirt that attracts women! Have you felt a change in your attractive power since then?

In fact women are attracted when I'm covered. The more you see my body, the less it works. So if kulte could release a full suit :)

Their new collection aims to promote a “Wild” style, a return to nature, and are you more low-tech or completely addicted to social networks?

I am addicted to social networks. Besides, I have a MySpace.

The editorial for Charlie Hebdo, author, columnist, actor… How do you manage to survive this frantic pace?

I do drugs.... at the Olympique de Marseille. I might as well tell you that I am often in Bad!

After so many Ibis hotels and other questionable motels during your tour, the place where you like to take refuge, like your den?

My sofa under a pled in front of Netflix.

If you had to go on a bivouac, what “superficial” thing would you need?

Pyjamas ….

The perfect garment in all circumstances? (You're not allowed to say a Kulte tee)

Like in bivouac..

You and VDB are more than work, right? (and if you can give me her 06 it’s for a friend ;)

Yes because he doesn't work :)

Thank you Mathieu and see you soon...on the big screen, elsewhere...are you giving us an exclusive?

I will soon be at the cinema in fact... I plan to go see Olivier Marshall's film.

CATCH Mathieu Madenian and Thomas VDB every evening, 8:45 p.m. on W9

Photo credit: Pascalito