Kulte and the Cook and Sound festival are collaborating once again for this 2019 edition !
We therefore gave a short interview to the director of this festival combining gastronomy and music who is none other than Laurent Kouby!

How long has your festival existed?
The Cooksound Festival was created in 2011 - (9 years).

What is the history of this festival?
The Cooksound Festival was born following the Cooksound concept which saw the light of day in the form of a Cooksound CD-book “Marseille - Provence” (Proceedings) which offered 13 Marseille artists associated with 13 Provençal cooking recipes offered in French, English and Japanese, which met with great success.
Following this, around ten Cooksound Parties were held under different themes (Organic and Environment, Japan, Asia, Bollywood, Bob Marley, etc...

In 2009, leaving Marseille to settle in Forcalquier, the University of Flavors and Scents contacted me to set up a Cooksound Party on the theme “Haute Provence Piedmont” in the Gardens and Cloister of the Cordeliers, with a cinema projection in Open air, concerts, DJs and gastronomy. Having discovered this magnificent historic place, I had the idea of ​​launching a real festival the following year on an Asia/Middle East theme, the adventure was launched!
How do you choose the artists exhibited at the festival?
Artists are requested according to the theme of the festival which changes each year.
The programming is based around new artists but also established artists, national or international, while maintaining an eclectic, original program that is new and accessible to as many people as possible.
It seems very important for you to highlight the ecological side of the festival, this is what also makes it your identity, why did you take this approach?
We have defended values ​​of eco-responsibility since the beginning of the festival. It is important during a multidisciplinary event to apply an approach aimed at reducing our ecological impact by applying a large number of measures around sustainable development.
We also wish to transmit and raise awareness among the public, teams, volunteers and artists about our ecological values.
The Cooksound Festival is a laboratory which must transmit a philosophy and more particularly implement a dimension around ecological values.
Why did you choose to collaborate with kulte?
The Kulte brand is an emblematic Marseille brand that I have known for a long time and it is since 2007 that we have been collaborating with the brand that we appreciate both in terms of graphics and in the quality and manufacturing of their products.
Kulte has been a partner of several Cooksound Parties in Marseille but also of several editions of the Cooksound Festivals in Forcalquier.
How does your festival take place?
The Cooksound Festival is a semi-free festival which offers both free and paid concerts every evening allowing democratic access to the greatest number and more precisely to the public with low income in order to allow them to access culture without barriers of budget.
The program is made up of DJs, national and international artists, gastronomy made from local, organic or sustainable agriculture products, cinema projections, painting performances, visual arts, installations, plastic arts workshops for children, storytelling, cooking workshops, master classes, all implemented by applying a totally eco-responsible approach throughout its organization.
The Kulte interview
Your kult music?
Film Music Fan - The theme from Shah by Isaac Hayes
Your cult dish?
“Les boulettes Marseillaises” one of my creations which appears on the CD-book
Cooksound “Marseille - Provence” (Proceedings) which was at the origin of the Cooksound concept (13 Marseille artists associated with 13 Provençal cooking recipes offered in French, English and Japanese).
Your cult drink?
The T Punch
Your cult leader?
Not really a Kulte chef but rather chefs who create simple “homemade” cuisine made from fresh and local products where taste and originality must be paramount.
Your kulte music group?
Cinematic Orchestra
Don't hesitate to go take a look, the festival ends Sunday evening!